
Electrifying Tomorrow

Electrifying Tomorrow

Concerns about the excessive amount of carbon emissions in the atmosphere, as well as their effects on global climate and human health, are at an all-time high. To address this issue, industries are shifting to more environmentally friendly options for equipment and machinery in order to decarbonize their operations.

The automotive industry is leading the way in these efforts with the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs). Based on this and the increasing demand, there is no doubt that e-mobility is the future of automobiles and transportation as we know it.

Gulf has always been proud of its ability to look ahead and innovate by choice rather than necessity. It is our mission to provide tailored solutions that meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. With the world moving in a much more low-carbon direction, we created the Gulf eFluid product line to meet the needs of new electric vehicles.

Our Gulf eFluid product range is designed specifically for electric vehicles with four distinct goals in mind: optimal performance, improved fuel economy and reduced CO2 emissions. Gulf eFluid products continue the Gulf tradition of providing tailored solutions for complex powertrains and we are confident in their performance.

The Gulf e-mobility Promise

The Gulf e-mobility Promise

In light of this global change, we recognize the challenges that the automotive industry presents to our customers. It is for this reason that our solutions come with a promise of quality and reliability to help our customers ease into, and enjoy, the benefits of the electrification wave that is currently sweeping the automotive space.

It’s for this reason that we have formed a relationship with Indra; a rapidly growing electric vehicle and smart energy technology company that creates innovative energy products, most notable of which are their 7kW residential smart charger and bidirectional vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charger.

With this collaboration, Gulf strives to assist in the shift to electrification occurring in the automotive industry, allowing us to continue developing high-performance e-mobility products for our customers.